Running the TiO2 example

Having compiled AENET executables (*.x), let us run them by using the example provided at the AENET web page (see the download section).


In the AENET directory (~/AENET), create the example directory as

$ cd ~/AENET
$ mkdir examples

and change the directory

$ cd examples

Download the example file

$ wget

and expand it

$ tar jxvf aenet-example-01-TiO2.tar.bz2

to get


In this directory, we can find the following directories:

01-generate/  02-train/  03-predict/  04-MD-ASE/  LICENSE  README  xsf/

I prepared sample job scripts for AENET to be used in our smith cluster system, which are located in


and those for generation, training, and prediction are respectively,


Training set generation

Go to the 01-generate/ directory and execute

$ ~/AENET/src/aenet-2.0.3/bin/generate.x-2.0.3-ifort_intelmpi > generate.out

NOTE: generate.x is not parallelized with MPI or OpenMP, and the number of cores used should be 1 when submitting the job using the queueing system.

Or using a job script:

$ qsub

In this example, the file "TiO2.train" is generated, and will be used in the training.

Potential training

Go to the 02-train/ directory and execute the following (for example, depending on your system)

$ mpirun -np 8 ~/AENET/src/aenet-2.0.3/bin/train.x-2.0.3-ifort_intelmpi > train.out

Using a job script:

$ qsub

When the training is finished, we obtain the following potentials

  • O.10tw-10tw.ann
  • Ti.10tw-10tw.ann

which will be used in the prediction.

Using the potential to predict energy and forces

Go to the 03-predict/ directory and execute the following (for example, depending on your system)

$ mpirun -np 8 ~/AENET/src/aenet-2.0.3/bin/predict.x-2.0.3-ifort_intelmpi > predict.out

Make sure that there are ANN potentials generated in the previous step. Using a job script:

$ qsub
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Last-modified: 2023-01-23 (月) 11:57:00 (466d)