Compilation (version 5.6.3 or higher)

Expand the source code as

gzip -c state-5.6.3.tgz | tar xf -


tar zxf state-5.6.3.tgz

to get a directory state-5.6.3 and subdirectories

README	arch/  build/  src/  util/

Go to src/ direcory, copy or make a symbolic link to one of make.arch* in ../arch

In the case of smith

ln -s ../arch/make.arch.intel_smith make.arch

In the case of ito in Kyushu University

ln -s ../arch/make.arch.intel_ito make.arch

On ito, we need to execute the following command or add it in ~/.bashrc

module load intel/2018.3

(just in case it is better to add "export LANG=C" in ~/.bashrc)

Finally execute make


to get the STATE executable.

To find how to specify the MKL library MKL, refer to Intel Math Kernel Library Link Line Adviser.

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Last-modified: 2023-01-23 (月) 11:56:56 (461d)