Prof. Suprijadi and Dr. Fahdzi Muttaqien from Institut Teknologi Bandung and Prof. Joongjai Panpranot, Dr. Suthasinee Watmanee, Dr. Weerachon Tolek, Dr. Piriya Pinthong, and Mr. Rungkiat Nganglumpoon from Chulalongkorn University visited our laboratory (2023/05/03-2023/05/11)
Prof. Suprijadi and Dr. Fahdzi Muttaqien from Institut Teknologi Bandung and Prof. Joongjai Panpranot, Dr. Suthasinee Watmanee, Dr. Weerachon Tolek, Dr. Piriya Pinthong, and Mr. Rungkiat Nganglumpoon from Chulalongkorn University, came to our lab for a discussion.
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