*Mac setup [#kabe2d19]
Below I describe how to setup my Mac (what I do when I setup a new Macintosh).
** Initialization [#l02328bc]
After backing up the data using TimeMachine or alike, initialize the data by starting with the safe boot mode (press command+r when startup your Mac), we initialize Mac, and reinstall OS (and then update).
** Microsoft Office [#gf9f626f]
Login to My Handai site ([[https://my.osaka-u.ac.jp]]) using your Osaka University ID, find "Other service" and "Microsoft software.
Download Office 2019 for Mac and install.~
NOTE: "My Handai" is available only in Japanese, and please ask your colleagues who understand Japanese. Note also the short-term students are NOT allowed to download and install MS softwares provided through "my handai" site. Please ask your supervisor to install on behalf.
** XCode [#x0d2f9bc]
Install from AppleStore (may take an hour or so).
** Homebrew [#ie993616]
Use [[Homebrew>https://brew.sh]] to install commands necessary for the research.
Follow the description in the Homebrew webpage and execute the following on your terminal as:
 /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
(check the command in the original webpage)~
After finishing Homebrew, install the following commands (at least) as:
- XQuartz
 $ brew cask install xquartz
- gcc
 $ brew install gcc
- open-mpi
 $ brew install open-mpi
- gnuplot
 $ brew install gnuplot
- xmgrace (grace)
 $ brew install grace
- LaTeX~
Download MacTeX.pkg from [[this page>http://www.tug.org/mactex/]] and install it.
- TeXworks~
In case you want use TeXworks to edit LaTeX files, type
 $ brew cask install texworks
- Python3~
Search package by issuing
 $ brew search python3
and follow the instruction.
Download from the VESTA [[webpage>https://jp-minerals.org/vesta/jp/]], unpack the package and copy "VESTA" folder to the Application folder
Download from the VESTA [[webpage>https://jp-minerals.org/vesta/jp/]], unpack the package and move the "VESTA" folder to the Application folder
- VMD (useful to visualize the trajectory)~
Download from the offical [[site>https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/]]. Registration required.
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