*Preliminary [#aecb0e7b]
To begin with, let us copy the tar ball and expand it in your home directory as follows:
 $ cp ~teac21/STATE/archives/state-cmd34.tgz .
Then extract STATE by performing:
 $ tar zxvf state-cmd34.tgz
and remove the tar ball:
 $ rm state-cmd34.tgz
The structure of the source code is as follows (go to the STATE directory and type "ls")
 arch/  build/  example/  gncpp/  README  src/  util/

-arch/ contains include files for Makefile
-build/ is the directory used to build STATE
- example/ contains the example input and output files
- gncpp/ contains the pseudopotentials
- util/ contains utility programs.

In this example, all the programs are ready-to-use, but if you'd like to use STATE on your own platform, you need to compile it by yourself.

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