* CO molecule [#x981a3af]
In this example, how to run a self-consistent field (SCF) calculation of a molecule is described. A CO molecule is placed in a rectangular box of the cell edges of 6, 4, and 4 Bohrs with the cutoff energies of 30.25 and 400 Ry for the wave functions and the augmentation charge, respectively. The Brillouin zone is sampled with the Gamma [(0,0,0)] point.
- Input file (nfinp_1)
      0     0     0     0     0     0 : I_CTRL(1:6) (DUMMY)
   5.50 20.00     2     2     2       : GMAX GMAXP NTYP NATM NATM2
      1     0                         : NUM_SPACE_GROUP TYPE_BRAVIS_LATTICE
   6.00  4.00  4.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 : A B C ALPHA BETA GAMMA
      1     1     1     1     1     1 : N1 N2 N3 M1 M2 M3
      1     0                         : NCORD, NINV
   0.00  0.00  0.00     1     1     1 : CPS(1,1:3) IWEI IMDTYP ITYP
   2.20  0.00  0.00     1     1     2 : CPS(1,1:3) IWEI IMDTYP ITYP
      6  0.15 12.01     3     1  0.d0 : IATOMN ALFA AMION ILOC IVAN
      8  0.15 16.00     3     1  0.d0 : IATOMN ALFA AMION ILOC IVAN
      0     0     0     0     0       : ICOND INIPOS INIVEL ININOS INIACC
      0     1                         : IPRE IPRI
    200   200     0    57200.00     0 : NMD1 NMD2 ITER_LAST CPUMAX IFSTOP
      3     1                         : WAY_MIX MIX_WHAT
      0     8   0.8                   : STARTING_MIXING KBXMIX ALPHA 
   0.60  0.50  0.60  0.70  1.00       : DTIM1 DTIM2 DTIM3 DTIM4 DTIM_LAST
  30.00     2     1    0.10D-08       : DTIO IMDALG IEXPL EDELTA
  0.001    0.10D+02     0             : WIDTH FORCCR ISTRESS
 ggapbe     1                         : XCTYPE NSPIN
   1.00                               : DESTM
    102                               : NBZTYP
      0     0     0                   : NKX  NKY  NKZ  (DUMMY)
      0     0     0                   : NKX2 NKY2 NKZ2 (DUMMY)
      8                               : NEG
      1                               : NEXTST
      0                               : (DUMMY)
      2                               : IMSD
      0                               : EVALUATE_EKO_DIFF
      0                               : NPDOSAO
      0   0.0                         : SM_N DOPPING
- Execution (interactive mode)
  mpirun -np 6 ./STATE < nfinp_1 > nfout_1
  $ mpirun -np 6 ./STATE < nfinp_1 > nfout_1

- Execution (batch mode)
 qsub qsub.sh
 $ qsub qsub.sh

-- Job script (qsub.sh)
 #$ -S /bin/sh
 #$ -cwd
 #$ -pe fillup 6
 #$ -N CO
 #disable OPENMP parallelism
 # execuable of the STATE code
 ln -fs ../../src/STATE .
 # pseudopotential data
 ln -fs ../../gncpp/pot.C_pbe1 fort.37
 ln -fs ../../gncpp/pot.O_pbe1 fort.38
 # launch STATE
 mpirun -np $NSLOTS ./STATE < nfinp_1 > nfout_1
 $ mpirun -np $NSLOTS ./STATE < nfinp_1 > nfout_1

- A part of output file (nfout_1)
When the program STATE starts, following greeting is printed:
  *                                                                     *
  *                                                                     *
  *                                                                     *
  *              ******  ********    **    ******** ********            *
  *             ******** ********   ****   ******** ********            *
  *             **          **     **  **     **    **                  *
  *              ***        **    ********    **    ******              *
  *                ***      **   **********   **    ******              *
  *                  **     **  **        **  **    **                  *
  *             ********    ** **          ** **    ********            *
  *              ******     ** VERSION 5.6.5  **    ********            *
  *                               RICS-AIST                             *
  *                           OSAKA UNIVERSITY                          *
  *                                                                     *
 PROGRAM STATE STARTED AT: Feb 13  7:23:59 2019
When the calculation converges, total energy and its components are printed:
                                    TOTAL CHARGE DENSITY =      9.9999966
                      TOTAL ENERGY AND ITS COMPONENTS 
                   TOTAL ENERGY     =         -22.21942426 A.U.
                    FREE ENERGY     =         -22.21942426 A.U.
                 KINETIC ENERGY     =           9.92110961 A.U.
                 HARTREE ENERGY     =           5.12119509 A.U.
                      XC ENERGY     =          -5.89585261 A.U.
                   LOCAL ENERGY     =         -20.23157826 A.U.
                NONLOCAL ENERGY     =           6.73684719 A.U.
                   EWALD ENERGY     =         -17.87114528 A.U.
                      PC ENERGY     =           0.00000000 A.U.
                ENTROPIC ENERGY     =           0.00000000 A.U.
                                          FERMI ENERGY =       0.43248245
followed by the eigenvalues and occupations
  NKP=    1  NGP=       287  K=(  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000)  WKP= 1.0000
                               EIGEN VALUE 
  -0.65555 -0.09532 -0.04691  0.20279  0.20279  0.58836  0.58836  0.79516
   1.00000  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000
and forces acting on atoms
     ATOM              COORDINATES                        FORCES
 MD:   1
 MD:     1  C    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000   0.01851  0.00000 -0.00000
 MD:     2  O    2.200000    0.000000    0.000000  -0.01858  0.00000 -0.00000
Convergence of the total energy can be monitored by using grep as
 grep ETOT: nfout_1
 ETOT:   1    -16.71058056  0.1671E+02  0.8965E-01
 ETOT:   2    -20.04069483  0.3330E+01  0.6387E-01
 ETOT:   3    -21.45761599  0.1417E+01  0.6830E-01
 ETOT:   4    -22.15338988  0.6958E+00  0.2822E-01
 ETOT:   5    -22.21588778  0.6250E-01  0.7654E-02
 ETOT:   6    -22.21907373  0.3186E-02  0.1845E-02
 ETOT:   7    -22.21941896  0.3452E-03  0.4914E-03
 ETOT:   8    -22.21942378  0.4822E-05  0.1031E-03
 ETOT:   9    -22.21942425  0.4641E-06  0.1578E-04
 ETOT:  10    -22.21942426  0.9876E-08  0.4861E-05
 ETOT:  11    -22.21942426  0.2909E-09  0.2236E-05
 ETOT:  12    -22.21942425  0.6225E-09  0.3018E-05
 ETOT:  13    -22.21942426  0.9965E-09  0.7976E-06
Finally, the following ascii art is printed
      __________   _______/______v______v______v___]
     D          | |                                 |
     D   A A    | | Congratulations!                |  C( > < )D
   --  =(^.^)=  | |  The calculation has converged. |    = o =
  |     @@@@@   | |                                 |    (    )~
If SCF does NOT converge, following ascii art is printed.
  Sorry!                                           < < <  
    The calculation has not converged.            < < <   
                                                    < < <  
    @ @                                     |                   |
     *    ***                               |                   |XXX
     *   *   *   *                          |   Have a break!   |   X
      ***     ***  ...                      |                   |   X
                                            |                   |   X
                                            |                   |XXX
                @@                          |___________________|
                 ***** ...                [_______________________]
In such a case, check the input parameters, in particular, the mixing parameter, and restart the calculation.
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