• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
*Anthracene [#z9a63cf6]
This tutorial explains how to obtain the maximally localized Wannier function of an anthracene crystal. See [[Japanese version>QE_tutorial/Anthracene_ja]].

** Relaxation [#f2717a5e]
First of all, optimize the atomic positions as well as the cell parameters.

** SCF calculation [#p87691f0]
A single point (SCF) calculation is performed by using the optimized structure (using the input file&ref(c28h20.scf.in);).

** Non-SCF calculation [#v1894451]
To prepare for the calculation of the max. loc. Wannier function, non-SCF calculation using a k-point set generated by using utility/kmesh.pl.
To generate, for instance, a 4 x 4 x 4 k-point set, execute
 kmesh.pl 4 4 4
and use the generated k-points to create the input file for the non-SCF calculation (&ref(c28h20.nscf.in);)
** Post-processing [#ve032b1c]
*** wannier90.x -pp [#x095a689]
After the non-SCF calculation, *.win to be generated first and one uses the following commands.
Let us name &ref(c28h20.win); and then execute
 wannier90.x -pp c28h20
*** pw2wannier90.x [#ja18b6d1]
Then execute pw2wannier90.x as other commands in the QE suite such as pw.x using the input file (e.g., &ref(c28h20.pw2wan);). Note the same number of cores should be used as the SCF/Non-SCF calculation if wf_collect=.false.
*** wannier90.x [#z7d39c57]
Finally execute wannier90.x
 wannier90.x c28h20
Note Wannier90 (<3) is not parallelized and it is not necessary to use mpirun nor the same number of cores for SCF and non-SCF calculations.

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