* Installation [#bc49caf9]
Here how to compile Quantum-ESPRESSO 6.3 on Mac using gcc and openmpi (I assume they are installed).

Let us first make directories for source codes, pseudopotentials, and calculations for Quantum-ESPRESSO in the home directory, for e.g.

 $ mkdir -p QE/src
 $ mkdir -p QE/pseudo
 $ mkdir -p QE/out

** Obtaining the code [#h4286120]
In the ${HOME}/QE/src directory, type
 $ git clone -b 'qe-6.3' --depth 1 https://gitlab.com/QEF/q-e.git qe-6.3
If "qe-6.3" is not specified, "q-e" is genearted.
** Configure and build [#n0b015a3]
go to the QE directory
 $ cd qe-6.3
and type
 $ "DFLAGS= -D__FFTW -D__MPI" ./configure
To build pw.x type
 $ make pw 
Other programs can be found by just typing
 $ make
I usually build PW as well as PP by typing
 $ make pw pp
If you like to perform phonon calculations do
 $ make ph
Programs build can be found in the "bin/" directory.~
It may be useful to set paths to the utilities by setting, e.g., in ~/.bashrc
** Running PW examples [#id965ae4]
Go to PW/examples, read the README file to pick up the example of your interest. For instance, go to "example01" and type
 $ ./run_example
then a set of PW calculations on Si, Al, and Ni will be executed.

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