STATE is not (yet) in the public domain and please ask developers for the latest version of the code (5.6.5 or later).
In this tutorial, we put source code, pseudopotentials, and data in the following directories
and we are going to use the version 5.6.6 of STATE (state-5.6.6.tgz).
copy the source code in the source directory (STATE/src) as
> cp /source/directory/state-5.6.6.tgz .
where ">" indicates the command prompt.
Untar the source code
> tar zxf state-5.6.6.tgz
and get the source directory state-5.6.6/ in the current directory. Then change directory
> cd state-5.6.6/src
and prepare Makefile (copy or make symbolic link to an appropriate hader file for Makefile)
> ln -s ../arch/make.arch.intel_smith make.arc
After editing "make.arch" as appropriate, type make
> make
to get the executable ("STATE").
Further, to generate utility programs, go to the utility directory
> cd ../util
Edit "" according to your environment and type make
> make
then the programs are installed in the util/bin directory.
It is better to set a path to the utility programs. To do so, edit the .bashrc in the home directory and add the following line
and type
> source ~/.bashrc