Here how to compile Quantum-ESPRESSO 6.6 on ohtaka at ISSP, the University of Tokyo.
First of all, make sure that the modules are loaded properly. In this tutorial, the following modules are used:
intel_mpi/2019.5.281 intel_compiler/2019.5.281 intel_mkl/2019.5.281
To load the above modules, the following commands should be executed:
module purge module load intel_mpi/2019.5.281 module load intel_compiler/2019.5.281 module load intel_mkl/2019.5.281
The reason why the old compiler and libraries are used is because on AMD nodes, the code build using ifort 2020 can crash when thousands of cores are used.
Let us first make directories for source codes, pseudopotentials, and calculations for Quantum-ESPRESSO in the home directory, for e.g.
$ mkdir -p QE/src $ mkdir -p QE/pseudo $ mkdir -p QE/out
In the ${HOME}/QE/src directory, type
$ git clone -b 'qe-6.1' --depth 1 qe-6.1
If "qe-6.6" is not specified, "q-e" is generated. One can also do
$ wget
and untar
$ tar jxf q-e-qe-6.1.tar.bz2 $ mv q-e-qe-6.1 qe-6.1
In qe-6.1, execute the following
$ MPIF90=mpiifort DFLAGS='-D__OPENMP -D__FFTW3 -D__MPI -D__SCALAPACK' SCALAPACK_LIBS='-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64' IFLAGS='-I$(TOPDIR)/include -I../include/ -I/opt/intel/mkl/include -I${MKLROOT}/include/fftw' ./configure --enable-openmp
Then type
$ make pw
Other programs can be found by just typing
$ make
I usually build PW as well as PP by typing
$ make pw pp
If you like to perform phonon calculations do
$ make ph